Wednesday 10.2.21 Math Home Learning.


LO: To sort regular and irregular shapes.

We are going to introduce the term ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ to the children. A regular polygon (a 2D shape made up of straight sides) is a shape where all sides and angles are equal. The general idea is if the shape is how it is ‘supposed’ to look then it is regular. If the sides of the Polygon are not the same size or the shape looks distorted, then it is irregular.

Follow the PP for an idea on how to spot a regular or irregular shape and how to use a carroll diagram to sort.

Sorting Regular an Irregular 2D shapes

Easier activity – Children need to sort all the irregular polygons into the type of shape that they are e.g. an irregular pentagon, hexagon etc.

Irregular sorting 2d shapes

Slightly more challenging– children need to sort both regular and irregular polygons using a Carroll Diagram. Please look at the heading first to work out if your shapes follows both criteria. Look at the PP for a an idea on how to sort using a Carroll Diagram. Apologies that the quality isn’t brilliant, I took it from a website.

Sorting irregular and regular Carroll Diagram

The website below is great for getting the children to practise sorting using a Carroll diagram. When you load up the website, I would take a look at level 3 is particular.