Visitors in Year 6 this week

This week in Year 6, we have some visitors coming to help us with our learning.

On Wednesday afternoon, we will have Mrs Lee from Mary Webb coming to deliver a science workshop for the afternoon.  She may be supported by some Year 10 pupils if she can convince them to come too!

On Thursday we will have a session delivered by our Police Community Support Officers.  Please see the message below from Mr Lowrie-Herz.

On Thursday, our local PCSOs will be delivering a session to our Year 5/6 classes which will include safety in the community, internet safety, drug and medicine safety (including county lines) and knife safety (including knife crime).
This is also an opportunity to meet the PCSOs and build links that will form part of the transition across to secondary schools.
This session has been delivered to other local primary schools with great success and we’re sure it will be the same at Pontesbury.
Many thanks for your support,
Mr L-H