Updates and reminders.

So another Friday arrives. This week the children have been looking at converting between measurements in maths and writing balanced arguments in English. Next week in maths we will be looking at the four operations using decimals. This is going to be carried out using word problems. In English we will bring our balanced argument writing to a conclusion by planning and then producing our finished piece of work.

Next week will see us start some of our D+T work. As I posted earlier in the week this will include making burgers. We also have our Christmas dinner and and special jumper day. I am sure the children have told you that I can’t wait!!!!

The spellings the children bring home tonight will be the last ones for this term. They will be tested on these next Friday, new ones will then be given when we return in January. Spellings for this week.

Today the children carried out their weekly arithmetic test. A link to it is ArithmeticPaper5. Your child has been given their test back to bring home so that you can see how they got on. It would be great if you could help them with any questions they struggled with.

Our Golden Achiever today was Bailey. He has been working so hard in all subjects, concentrating well and always trying his best. The children voted for Jamie and Monty as our pupils of the week for playing a sensible game at breaktime.

I will put the timetable up for next week later on. Please be aware though that at this time of the year things do sometimes change.

I wish everyone a fantastic weekend. As always, if you have any questions then please get in touch.

Mr Morris
