Tuesdays in Room 8 – Hello Mrs Smout!

Tuesdays will be the day when Mrs Rowe is out of the classroom to carry out her Deputy Head responsibilities.

We initially thought that Mrs Pope would be teaching Room 8 on a Tuesday, but as the guidance has changed over the summer, we have made the decision to keep Mrs Pope just with the Year 2 bubble.  Although we are very sorry not to have Mrs Pope with us, I am delighted to say that Mrs Smout has agreed to come and teach Room 8 on Tuesdays. Lots of you will remember her from last year when she was working with Year 6 for one morning a week and teaching Year 3 on Thursdays and Fridays.

Mrs Smout is fantastic and we are lucky to have her as part of our Room 8 team. She is very excited about getting to know you all and will look forward to meeting you soon.