Tuesday’s English

Take a few minutes to add to your favourite words and phrases from poems read yesterday. Think of some nouns linked to a stormy day by the sea, e.g. rain, shore, waves, clouds. Add to this list. Remember that some nouns are abstract, e.g. darkness, despair so can you think for some ‘feeling’ words to add to the list. Can you think of some strong verbs, either from your jottings sheet or your own ideas.

Look at  At Sea each line has: adjective, noun, verb. What pictures does the poem creates in your mind? Where is the adjective in each line (before a noun)? Where does the noun go? Which words are used metaphorically rather than as literal description (angry, rages, frantic, spits, cold despondency)?

At Sea

Write your own sea poems with 3 words in each line, using ‘At Sea’ as a model. Use thesauruses to add to the lists of words you have already gathered. Remember to use an adjective, a noun and a verb in each line.  

Look at the ‘At Sea’ – prose narrative to compare with the poem. What differences do you notice? Write the start of your own poem as a brief passage of description.

At Sea prose narrative