Tuesday’s work

Today I would like you looking at line graphs. whiterose lesson 3 works on this. Although this is a Year 4 video it is something we have done very little on and the practise will be very useful. line graph activity    line graph answers. I am not putting Year 5 or 6 up as it is work that was covered earlier in the lockdown.

For English bitesize tells you all about making a presentation to sell something or persuade people about something.  The children in school haven’t been wearing school uniform – I want you to use some of the ideas from bitesize to persuade me whether we should or shouldn’t wear uniform when we go back to school. It is up to you how you present this. It could be a powerpoint, a letter or a video. It might take longer if you go for the video and use all of the ideas from bitesize. If it takes you two days instead of one that it ok.

For history I would like you to find out about a famous Victorian. I have linked an information sheet/powerpoint and planning sheet about Charles Dickens. In any way you want I would like you to tell me about him. If you want you can find out about a different famous Victorian. Think about something that interests you: a famous Victorian inventor, musician, artist, sportsman – you choose.

You might decide to try these activities or some of the transition ones. If you want to use book creator for anything that is ok.