Tuesday afternoon 2.6.20

Tuesday afternoons involve reading skills, science, story time and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

Think about your own fairy tale that you have written. Go from the part where your main character is in the baddie’s lair, and think about an alternative ending for your story. You don’t need to write this down; just have a discussion about it. What could have happened instead? What if the baddie just wanted to be friends with your main character? What if the magical item failed to work at the end of the story?! Have fun thinking up alternative versions.

1.50 – 2.30pm: Science

Watch this short video about the job of different plant parts: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/science-ks1-ks2-ivys-plant-workshop-parts-of-a-plant/zvdkpg8

Then, label up the picture with these different parts of the plant:

flower, petal, leaves, stem, roots, seeds

Next to each label, add some information about the job of that plant part.

Parts of Plants

2.30 – 2.50pm: Story time

Find a story and a cosy, relaxing place to enjoy reading it!

2.50 onward: Daily mile/outdoor activities

Have fun outside! Remember your suncream and water bottle! It’s really important to stay hydrated.

Mrs Garcia x