Tuesday afternoon 12.5.20

On Tuesday afternoons we do reading skills, science, story time and the daily mile.

1.30 – 1.50pm: Reading skills

Watch part 5 of Jack and the Beanstalk. https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks1-jack-and-the-beanstalk-episode-5/zmqvscw

How does Jack’s mum feel about Jack selling Daisy for beans? How would she feel if he had sold Daisy for coins? How are these feelings different? Use the sheet to draw how Ma feels in both scenarios along with some words or sentences to describe her feelings. Ma’s feelings

1.50 – 2.30pm: Science

I know that lots of you have been looking at plants recently and have been growing your own. Can you design your own garden full of colourful flowers? I would like you to use the flowers that are on the sheet so that you become familiar with the names, so try to label the flowers that you draw. Activity Sheet In the Garden

You may want to look for these specific plants either in your garden or when you are out walking. You could take the flower sheet with you and tick off the plants as you see them.

2.30 – 2.45pm: Story time

Find a fairy tale to read and choose a cosy spot to enjoy it.

2.45 onward: Daily mile/outdoor time

Spend time outside being active. In case of bad weather, here is the link to CosmicKids yoga: https://cosmickids.com/category/watch/?video_category=yoga&changed=video_category

Have fun! x