Tuesday 9th June – Geography: The Alps

This afternoon you are going to learn about The Alps.

Here are some questions I would like you to find the answers to:
1. Which countries are The Alps spread over?
2. What are The Alps famous for?
3. Why might people choose to visit The Alps?
4. What is the climate/weather like in The Alps?
Watch the video and complete the quizzes on the BBC Daily Lesson, then complete the tasks. One of the tasks requires you to write a tourist brochure for The Alps – think about how to be persuasive and include information that would tempt people there. The other task requires your data handling skills: you need to plot the average temperature (record this as a x on the y axis) and show the average rainfall (as a bar on the same graph).

BBC Daily Lesson
Task 1: The Alps Brochure
Task 2: The Alps