Tuesday 9th June

Good morning everybody, I hope you have had a good start to the week.

Right, let’s get started! Today for morning maths I would like you to have another little think about 3D shapes.  It has been a while so it is always good to remind ourselves of what we have learned. Can you solve the flower box problems?

Morning Maths

As usual, we are following the year 2 lessons on White Rose Maths.  Here is the Year 2 lesson.  Year 1 and 3 are on the News Pages.

We are on Week 7, lesson 2.


Here is the sheet.



Yesterday, you read a non chronological report about sharks.  You found the features and began to think about the animal that you would like to write a report about.

Today you need to decide on which animal you would like to write a report about.  We are going to begin our research and note taking.  We will continue with this tomorrow too.  Using books, the internet and perhaps even TV programs, begin finding out about your chosen creature.  Think about these things for the introduction:

  • How many species of your animal is there?
  • Are they endangered?
  • What type of creature are they eg mammal, reptile etc?

Research sheet

For your paragraph about their appearance, think about what they look like and why.

  • Do they have fur, horns, scales, teeth?
  • Do they have long legs or big eyes?
  • Are they camouflaged?
  • Do they have a good sense of hearing or smell?
  • Are they poisonous?

I think you will have found out enough for today by the time you have thought about these things.  Leave habitat and diet for your research tomorrow.

Remember, if you are researching online, please make sure you type ‘for kids’ after any search and your adult at home knows exactly what you are doing.

Please practise your spelling.  I know I was mean with my choices this week, but I know you can learn them.

Here is a spelling sheet to help you add ‘ness’ to words. Remember when you add ‘ness’ to an adjective, it becomes a noun.

Adding ness sheet

Please read a little more of your reading book.

Tuesday afternoon is PE and PSHE.

For your PE, have a go at this…

Today I’d like you to put on your favourite piece of music and create your own work out.  Once you are confident with your moves, teach it to someone else in your house.


With all the events happening across the world at the moment, I thought it would be a good time to look at what our human rights are.

The PowerPoint below explains what rights of adults and children are and how everybody can expect to be treated.

PSHE Respecting Rights

If you would like to, you could create a poster to show what your rights are.

I hope you have a lovely day today. Let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope x