Tuesday 9th June

Good morning, everyone. Here are our activities for Tuesday.


Today we are looking at mass. Watch the short video: mass video

Work through the activities on the sheet which recap measuring mass with cubes. You may want to go through this on the screen rather than printing it out as many children should be absolutely fine with this: Measure mass

If you are happy with the first sheet, let’s move on to comparing mass. Here is the short video to watch: comparing mass video and the sheet to go with it: compare mass

You may want to do some practical weighing of your own. Baking cakes is really good for this! You may also want to have a go at this quick game where you can practise using a balance scale: Happy Camel game


Yesterday, you started making your own information books about plants. Hopefully you got on okay with ‘Writereader’ if you chose to use it. The brilliant thing about this website is that, when I log on as teacher, I can see your books! There are some amazing ones on the Room 5 virtual bookshelf! Well done!

Today I would like you to keep working on your book by adding the following:

a page about wild plants: remember going on a plant hunt? See if you can add some information using the names of the plants you went looking for. How common are the wild plants you went looking for? Where are they likely to grow? The Shropshire Wildlife Trust website may be helpful here if you would like to do further research. You can also search for the plant you wish to know more about: https://www.shropshirewildlifetrust.org.uk/wildlife-explorer/wildflowers

a page about trees: we did an activity that involved identifying trees a few weeks ago. What trees grow in the UK? Are these trees evergreen or deciduous? You could talk about the shape of the leaf, where they tend to grow or how tall they get. You could mention here about some trees being fruit trees. The following website may be helpful (scroll down for trees!): https://www.wildlifewatch.org.uk/key-stage-1

Remember to try your best to add connectives (and, but, because, so, if, when) to your sentences and to vary the ones you use. When you are writing lists of different plants or trees in a sentence, have a go at using a comma to separate the items in the list rather than using ‘and’ all the time. For example:

In Pontesbury, you can find wisteria, ivy, daisies and poppies.


Today we are looking at part 4 of the Little Red Riding Hood sessions and learning a song called, ‘Stay on the Path’. This song looks at different rhythms and dynamics (loud and quiet).

Enjoy watching part 4 of the story and then have a go at the song: Stay on the Path song

Next, have a go at the ‘music activity’ and the ‘listening activity’ also on this page.

Do you remember your discussions about keeping your personal information private from last week? What did Little Red Riding Hood forget to do when she met the Wolf? What personal information did she tell him? Why was this a mistake?

Have a super day, everyone! x