Tuesday 9th

Good morning. I hope everyone is well.

I know I should know the children by now but they never cease to impress me with their efforts. I am so pleased with how they are tackling the SATs questions.

For maths we continue to use white rose. Watch the video then complete the task.

Tuesday activity is to do with understanding thousandths. Once you have completed the activity work can be checked by looking at the Answers.

For English we are using Bitesize. Today the work is about newspaper reports and seeing the difference between facts and opinions. To start with there is a video

followed by activity 1.

There are other activities on the bitesize link.

Our geography also comes from bitesize where we are going to look at the Alps.

There is a video to watch


followed by activities and a quiz.

There are also SATs questions to try. These get harder as the week progresses. If you haven’t completed Monday’s ones try those first.

Tuesday’s arithmetic

Tuesday’s reasoning

Tuesday’s grammar


If any of the children want to carry on with any other work that is absolutely fine.

Remember to get in touch if you have any questions