Tuesday 8th

A reminder that on Tuesday the children have PE in the afternoon. They are to come into school wearing their PE kit for the day.

For maths the majority of the children will be carrying on with multiplication of 2 x 2 digits and 3 x 2 digits. Some children will complete this with decimals. If you want your child to try more of these you can create your own worksheets (with answers) using create your own sheets

Some children will be having a look at algebra tomorrow.

For English we are looking at our class novel. Then answering these questions: Tuesday. (These are just quick notes for me and depending on how the children get on will be extended or simplified).  So that you can see the first few pages here they are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

For RE we are looking at the Israelites being held by the Egyptians. To help our understanding we will be looking at some parts of the bible and having a discussion. We will use this Beginning lesson Power Point.

In the afternoon we have PE.

Hopefully we all have a good day in school and if for any reason anyone is away they can see what we are doing.

Have a good evening.
