Tuesday 9th February

Good morning everyone, it’s Tuesday already!

Have a little play on Hit the Button, I know you enjoy this game.  Can you practise your 2,3,5,10 times tables.  You are going to need to know these facts for later in the week so it will be really helpful if you are confident. Feel free to practise others if you are really really speedy with these times tables.

Hit the Button

Today in maths we are going to continue to think about division but today we are moving on to grouping amounts.  This is a different way of working out division sums.  Have a look at the PowerPoint.

Tuesday PowerPoint

Sheet 3 is the most tricky.

Sheet 1

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Please can you practise your spellings.  You could use one of the ideas below.

Spelling ideas

You may need a brain break, have a little moment.

For your English today, I would like you to watch the Bear and the Piano again.  You must know this story pretty well by now!

I would like you to think about the bear in the city again today.  You are now working for the concert theatre.  It is your job to design the posters that tell people who is performing at the theatre.   Have a little look at the PowerPoint and get designing!!

English PowerPoint


Here is a spot the difference, you could spend a couple of minutes seeing if you can find all 5 differences.

Spot 5 differences

This afternoon is our Art afternoon.  Last week we looked at a pattern and how making it smaller, made the pattern appear darker.

This week, to begin with I would like you to get  a piece of paper and make as many different marks and patterns as you can.  How many different shapes, squiggles, shades, patterns can you make?  You could always listen to your favourite piece of music as you do this, sometimes it helps inspire you.

We are going to continue looking at shading this week.  Have a look at the sheet and try the skills out.  Remember, when you press lightly with a pencil, the colour is light and when you press hard with the pencil, the colour is much darker.

Shading Sheet

I hope you have a lovely day, I know we are all getting a bit tired now, but you should be really proud of yourselves.  You have worked very hard this half term.

Let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope x