Tuesday 5th May

Hello everyone,

From what I’ve seen so far it looks like everyone had a really good start to their learning this week, well done!

Today we will be doing Literacy, Forest School and Letters and Sounds.



Continue with the next part of your story. Don’t forget that there are some words at the top to help you with each part. The writing that I have seen so far has been amazing, there has been a mix of children’s and adult’s writing – so keep it up!


Forest School:

Today I thought you might like to have a little go at some flower hammering. For this activity you will need to pick some flowers and/or leaves from your garden, or on your walk. Remember – only pick what your grown up says is allowed, and don’t pick something from anyone else’s garden! You will also need a hammer and some paper, toilet roll or kitchen roll (or even some plain white fabric if you happen to have any around). We have used hammers in Forest School before, we have spoken about how to hold the hammer properly, how to keep our other hand out of the way and to only ever use it when there is a grown up watching us to make sure we keep safe.

So here’s what you need to do – pick which flowers or leaves you are going to use and arrange them onto your paper/kitchen roll etc. so that they look pretty. You will then need to put another layer of paper on top and gently hammer where the flowers are until some of the colour starts to come through. Experiment and see how many different pictures you could make!

Forget-me-nots and sticky weed are particularly good for this activity if you have any lurking around! I’ve popped some images below to have a look at. Have fun – and remember to be careful!


Letters and Sounds:

Today I’ve got a cut and stick activity for you. You will need to read the words and select the right picture to go with each word. There’s lots here, so maybe just choose one to do today and save the rest for another day.

If you don’t have a printer, grown ups could write the word down and you could draw a picture for each word that you can read?

Phase 3 Cut and Stick


I hope you all have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x