Tuesday 31st March

Thank you for the lovely pictures of the Anglo-Saxon shields that many of you have sent me. Please keep them safe so we can make a display of them when we get back.

Today we have English, P.E, Maths and D.T.


Please follow the plans you did yesterday and write a letter to me, stating your point of view, about whether you think gangs should be allowed in our school. Remember to state your point of view in the first paragraph. Then use firstly to introduce your strongest argument. In addition and furthermore can be used to introduce your other paragraphs. Please put lots of evidence to support your opinion. Use statistics to reinforce and questions to provoke a reaction. If you can, use indeed and besides this to emphasise the point you are making.


Take part in the P.E session with Joe Wicks.


First of all, make a poster about all you know about the number 31. Next, stand up and say your square numbers and perhaps your 7 times table!

After that, try lesson two on the white rose maths/ home learning website.


If you haven’t already done so, design and make an Anglo-Saxon shield. If you have completed this, have a go at designing an Anglo-Saxon brooch. The Anglo-Saxons were well known for their jewellery, especially their beautiful brooches. The brooches came in many different designs and shapes- research them and then have a go at designing one.