Tuesday 30th June

Good Morning, I hope you had a nice day yesterday, thank you to all of those people who sent their work to me yesterday.  I’ve printed them off to put them up in our classroom, ready for next year.


Today I want you to amaze me with your writing skills.  I’m going to give you a picture that I would like you to use to inspire your writing.

We’d like you to write a detailed description of the setting you can see, showing off all of the skills you have practised with Mrs Pope or you may be inspired to write a whole story, but if you do this I suggest you break it down over the week as it may take a while.

I’ve also attached the picture as a word document if you want to print it. The miniature castle

We can’t wait to read your work and see what amazing authors you are!


Please do lesson two from the White Rose materials. videos

The work from the other year groups is here

Afternoon Work

This afternoon we’d like you to think about what rules you feel will be important in our class next year.  Please talk through your ideas with an adult and make a rough list of all of the rules you think of.  Try to write them in a positive way so that they are rules to aim for rather than negative ones.

Eg – ‘Be kind to everyone‘ rather than ‘Don’t be mean’

When you have your ideas please arrange your rules onto the target template below, with your most important rule to aim for in the middle.

You can print the template to use, or you may be able to get a section of plates or other circular objects to make your own if you don’t have a printer at home.

You can decorate your work to make it look bright and colourful too.

My Target Board of Rules