Tuesday 2nd March

It was a chilly day today! Let’s hope Tuesday is warmer. Here are the activities:

Wake Up, Shake Up: Here’s the weather episode again so you can get more familiar with it.  Boogie Beebies Weather


Starter: What numbers come next in the sequence? Choose simple sequences, counting in ones 1-100. If your child is particularly confident in maths, feel free to try counting in steps or multiples. caterpillar ordering

Today we are looking at doubles. Can you remember what ‘doubles’ means? If I had double 1, how many would I have? What about double 2? If you are in blue group, consider how you could use what you know about doubles to know 2+3 (double 2 then add 1); 4+5 (double 4 add 1) etc. We call these ‘near doubles’.

Yellows and greens: Use toys or practical equipment to find doubles up to 10+10 (so double 1, double 2, double 3 and so on). Make sure you do some careful counting to find the totals. If you are in green group, write the matching number sentence to show what you have added each time (e.g. 1+1=2, 2+2=4 etc.)

Blues: Can you recall doubles facts up to at least 6+6 without looking? See how far you can get to. Now use what you know about doubles to solve these questions on near doubles. Look at the example to help you before you start. near doubles


Do you remember what a pixel is? It is a square of colour which is part of a larger picture. Today’s activity is similar to the one last week but this time there are more pixels so more detail in the picture. Make sure you copy it carefully. pixel mosaic

If you prefer, you can download and print off pictures to colour in with colouring pencils or pens from this site: pixel puzzles


How did you get on with ordering the steps in yesterday’s algorithm activity? Did you say that the step of putting the toy man on the top of the tower always had to be last in the sequence? It helps if instructions have numbered steps or time connectives (first, then, next, after that, finally) and pictures can help too.

Think of a favourite game that you really enjoy playing. Can you teach a family member how to play it? What would you do first? Teach them the steps one at a time and make sure they do what you instruct them to do and nothing more! When you have finished, reflect on the instructions that you have given. Were they clear? Were they short and to the point? Were they in the right order?


Today we are sorting words with the sound ‘ai’ according to their spelling/grapheme. If you accessed the online games yesterday, you may already have done this sorting. If so, can you write your own short story using as many ‘ai’ words (ay, ai, a-e) as possible?



Hopefully, you have been keeping a record of the weather each day for the last few days. Look back at your notes and discuss any changes. What was the weather like today? Have a look at a weather forecast for tomorrow too. Let’s hope it’s going to get warmer again!

Today we will think again about the four seasons and match months of the year to each season. Can you remember the names of the four seasons? Which one are we in now? Be careful! Even though there are signs of spring, we are still in winter!

Can you learn this song all about the months of the year? months of the year

Find out when your birthday is. What month is it in and what season? Draw a picture to show what you would see out of your window on your birthday or activities you may do because of the weather. For example, if you were born in winter, maybe it snows on your birthday and you go outside to make a snowman wrapped up warm in gloves and a hat. My birthday is in spring so I quite often enjoy sitting outside in the sunshine. When I was little, my friends and I would have outdoor parties and I would probably have been wearing a summer dress. You may want to find out about family members’ birthdays too.

Have a great day.

Mrs Garcia x