Tuesday 2nd March, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History


Today, we are reflecting 2-D shapes along a line of symmetry. Draw the reflection of each half shape on the worksheet below.

BusyAnt_y4_reflecting 2-D shapes

Some of you might like to do the challenge below.

Your challenge is to find out how many symmetrical patterns can be created by shading some of the squares on the grid below.

I could colour in three squares to make this symmetrical pattern.

How many ways can you find?

Symmetry Challenge Grids


Today, we are looking at lesson 5: What was the heptarchy?

Look at the PowerPoint below.

Anglo-Saxons Slides – L5.171964081 (1)

Read through the lesson and then complete the sentences on page 22.


Today we are looking at how to plan out a non-chronological report. Watch the PowerPoint below about how to plan a non-chronological report using a spidergram.


Read the information about tigers on page 7 of the reading comprehension worksheet below.


Use a spidergram to show how the author may have planned out the report on tigers.