Tuesday 2nd June

I was pleased to see so much work completed yesterday so well done to everyone. It was good to see so many trying the SATs questions.

The rest of the week will follow a very similar pattern.

For maths white rose is looking at multiplying fractions by numbers. If you want a different year group look on the main school news page. Lesson-2       Answers

For English and geography we are using bitesize. As yesterday there are spelling activities on literacy planet

Then we have some SATs questions to try. I would really like the children to try these. If the children prioritise their work I would rather these done than the white rose and bitesize.

If anyone wants to do all of the work or adapt it someother way that is fine.


Maths arithmetic             Maths reasoning      Grammar and punctuation

There are 5 questions in each of these links. In the reasoning paper 2 questions are algebra please don’t let the children panic but get them to try and work it out.

An example of algebra:  2 + a = 10. a would = 8

2a + 6 = 20 is asking 2 times something + 6 = 20. 2 times 7 +6 = 20   so a= 7.

It looks complicated but I am sure lots of them will be able to do it.


Have a super day    –    Mr Morris