Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning everybody,

Wow you worked hard yesterday, your collages looked amazing!

Here is your work for today.  I’d like you to have a go at writing multiplication in any order and answering them.

Morning Maths


Today we continuing with our White Rose maths.  Week 6, Lesson 2.


Here are the worksheets.


If you are using year 1 or year 3 maths, please use Mr Morris’s post to download what you need.


Yesterday we created a story board for the short film called Bubbles.  However, today we are going to be focusing on description.  Describing the character and the setting.

Here it is again for you to watch.


This time, when you watch it, I’d like you to particularly focus on the beginning of the story.

What can you see around the girl?

What colour is the sky?

How is she walking- what are her shoulders, head, arms doing ?

Where is she looking and what expression does she have on her face?

First, I’d like you to collect some adjectives to describe this setting.

Words like: grey, dull, cold… Collect about 5 or 6 and write them down.

Then I’d like you to think of some adverbs, again 5 or 6.

Words like: silently, miserably, quietly…these are the word types we looked at yesterday, they end with ‘ly’ and describe the verb.

Now I’d like you to write a short paragraph to describe the girl walking along the beach. Describe the beach and the way in which the girl is walking.  Try and make your description sound sad.  Remember to use your adjectives and adverbs from your list to make your writing interesting to read.  As soon as you get to the part where she discovers the bubbles in the surf, stop writing.  We will pick it up again from there tomorrow.


Please practise your spellings.    If you have time, you could have a look at this tricky spelling sheet and find out how you change word endings when you add ‘ly’.

Adding ly to words

Please find a lovely, shady spot and read a little more of your reading book.

Tuesday afternoon is PE and PSHE.


This video is great fun to dance to.  I was saving this for our class assembly so I think you will really love it.

About 2.12 minutes in there is a very tricky balance move.  Please don’t try this unless you have an adult with you…and be careful you don’t damage the adult!!


As we are all spending a lot more time on the internet, I thought it would be a really good idea to refresh our memory about internet safety.

Have a look at the PowerPoint below.

Staying safe on the internet

Now I’d like you to write a set of rules for using the internet safely. You can do it as pictures or as bullet points, however you wish.

Have a fantastic day everyone, let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope x