Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning! Please see my science post below with information about our Teams meeting at 11am today.


LO: To research my own questions

We already know that Joseph Coelho is a poet, who writes for children, and is full of energy and enthusiasm. Today, you will be finding more out about Joseph Coelho by asking questions and researching the answers. I would like you to think of some questions which could help you research some interesting facts about him.

Here are some ideas to get you started. You can use some or all of these and also write some of your own questions.

  • Where did Joseph Coelho grow up and does he have any brothers or sisters?
  • What was the first poem that Joseph Coelho wrote?
  • What made Joseph Coelho want to be a poet?
  • Where does he get his ideas from?

Try these links to help you research your answers. The top three links are written more simply than the bottom three.




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Reading Comprehension:

Follow the link to lesson 2 Lesson 2


Please practise your spellings using Rainbow writing. Focus on the spelling patterns.