Tuesday 28th April

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a good day yesterday. Today we will be doing a Forest School activity, Maths and Letters and Sounds.


Forest School:

Have a little look at the journey sticks that we created in school yesterday (on the main page of the website) I would like you to have a go at making one of these. All you will need is a stick and some wool or string. Take a look around your garden or on your daily walk and collect any interesting objects that catch your eye, you will then need to attach these to your stick by wrapping the wool around them. See how many different objects you can find and remember to wrap the wool tightly so that the items don’t fall off! Make sure you only collect natural objects too.



I hope you enjoyed your investigation yesterday and found lots of different objects around the house that tell you the time. Today I would like you to time yourselves doing different activities. So, can you see how many seconds it takes you to run around your garden? How long does it take you to visit every room in the house? How long to do 10 star jumps? (And any other activities you can think of!)

Then, can you set the timer for a minute and in that time count how many jumps / hops / roly-polys etc. you can do? Is a minute longer than you thought it was?

Hopefully this helps the children burn off some of their energy!


Letters and Sounds:

Today I thought you might like to have a little go at a sound maze. You will need to have a look at the picture and find the right sounds for that word, then have a go at writing it afterwards. There are a lot so you don’t need to do them all, and some of them towards the end get a little bit tricky!

Phase 3 Sound Maze


I hope you all have another lovely day. I can’t wait to see what you’ve all been up to!

Miss Roberts x