Tuesday 28th April

Good morning everyone,

Thank you for sharing all of your work yesterday.  Your pointillism portraits were particularly fantastic.

Morning Maths

Have a go at adding 10.

Morning Maths

For our maths today, I would like to to continue with the White Rose maths.  Here is the website.


We are on lesson 2 today. ‘Recognise a half’

And here is the link to the activity.


For your English work today, I would like you to re-read the information about Queen Victoria.  Again, make sure you are familiar with the features.  You could play ‘fastest finger first’ with someone at home.  Both put your fingers on the top of the page, one of you call out a feature – title, sub heading, technical vocabulary, bullet points, introduction, picture. First finger to get their wins a point!

Yesterday, I asked you to choose 5 or 6 technical words that will need explaining. You have chosen some fantastic words, well done.  Today I would like to to organise them into a glossary and explain them.  Now I know we have written glossaries before and I also know that you can tell me the order that they need to be in, before I can even finish typing this sentence…yep, they need to to be in alphabetical order.

Your first job is to find your technical words.  Then order them into alphabetical order and finally write an explanation telling te reader clearly what that word means.  If you’d like to use it, I have made you a sheet below, but this could easily be written in your Home Learning Book.

Glossary Sheet

Please can you practise your spellings.

For your reading today, I’d like you to have a go at this reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension 1

Reading comprehension 2

Reading comprehension 3

Reading comprehension 3 is the most tricky.

So, this afternoon would normally be our PE and PSHE afternoon.



As part of our work on relationships, I thought it would be nice if everybody in your house looked out for kindness.   Not the jumping up and down, shouting I’m kind, sort of kindness.  The quiet, nobody is watching, doing something nice, sort of kind.

Each time you catch somebody quietly doing something thoughtful for somebody else in your house, you can award them a certificate.  Thinking about the kind things we do is important in relationships so give it a go.

Caught you being kind certificate

Have a lovely day everybody.

Let me know how you get on!

Mrs Pope