Tuesday 26th January

Good morning everyone, I hope you managed to find plenty of time to play in the snow yesterday.  We had great fun at home making a snow monster over the weekend.

Hopefully you are all warm and toasty and ready to go today.  Let’s warm our brains up.

Super Movers Money

Today we are continuing with our work on money.  Have a little look at this PowerPoint.  You may want to have a pencil and paper at the ready as you are going to need to do some investigating.

Tuesday PowerPoint

For our English work today we are going to continue writing reports.  We will be using the same features that we looked at last week.

  • Title
  • Introduction
  • Subheadings
  • Diagram
  • Labels
  • Fact box

This week we are going to be taking notes.  You will need to keep your notes safe all week so that we will be able to use them to write our final report.  We do this in school all the time, only we keep our work in our English book.  We practise skills and then use them when we are confident .

Today we are going to choose a rainforest creature, pick your favourite.  I am going to choose the sloth because they are so cool, calm and collected and they always look like they are smiling!

But there are literally thousands you could choose from.  I would like you to choose your creature, Then find a picture of it, either using books or on the internet.  Make sure your write ‘for kids’ when you are searching the internet.  Have your picture in front of you if you can.  Have a look at the PowerPoint below and write your description of your animal.  Remember, these are notes, you will need them for your final report later in the week.

English PowerPoint

Here are some good weblinks if you would like to use them.

Rainforest animals information

Rainforest creatures

Please can you make 10 minutes to read your reading book.

Please can you practise your spellings.

Here is some handwriting paper if you wish to continue to practising joining correctly.

Here is a little PowerPoint video showing you how to join the air sound.

Handwriting 27.1.21

Handwriting paper

For our art this afternoon we are returning to texture.  Texture is how something feels.  Artists have to show texture in their art work.

Make sure you have a sharp pencil and have a go at copying some of these textures.

Art sheet

Last week in our PSHE lesson we thought about our responsibilities and how your responsibilities are different to an adults. For your PSHE today I would like you to think about jobs and careers.  Can you find out what the adults in your house do as a job.  How many jobs can you think of, you could time yourself for 2 minutes, how many can you come up with?

What kinds of jobs interest you?  Have a chat with someone at home about the types of job you are interested in doing and why.

I hope you have a lovely day.

Let me know if you need anything and how you get on.

Mrs Pope x