Tuesday 26th January


LO: To explore reference texts

Your task today is to use a published source of information (included here) to fact check some commonly reported statements: the text is the True or False? book that I introduced to you yesterday. You do not have to print the pages out if you can read them on your screen.

  • First, read the Research statements on the first page. Have you heard these said before? What are your first reactions? How could you check them?
  • Then, look at the pages taken from True or False? Read them carefully, researching the statements, to help you decide if each of them is True or False? You are fact checking.
  • Next, write a response to each Research statement. Explain if it is true or not and if you expected this to be the answer. Did you already have a feeling about it?

Tuesday Research Statements and pages from True or False

Reading Comprehension:

Focusing again on ‘Five children & It’ here is an activity to make you think about some old-fashioned phrases, which you may not have heard of but may occur in classic fiction. I’ve included the extract again for you to read the phrases in context. You do not need to print these resources out.

Five Children and It extract

Matching Resource 1


Practise your spellings today by writing the words backwards! Always check them against your spelling list once you have written them.