Tuesday 23rd November

Good morning everyone,

Please can you begin today with a quick practise of your your nativity lines.

Please can you practise your spellings.

For our English today we are looking at 4 different types of sentences. Commands, exclamations, questions and statements.

Commands tell you to do something.  – Go and tidy your bedroom.

Questions ask you to do something.- Have you finished?

Exclamations begin with either ‘how’ or ‘what’ and end with a !  How clean your bedroom is!

Statements tell you you a fact or opinion. This it the cleanest bedroom I have ever seen.

Have a little look at the grid below and see if you can sort the sentences into it.

command question statement exclamation

Sentence type grid

Please can you read a book from home or a little bit of your reading book if you have time.


Use the method we practised yesterday and see if you can complete these some.  Choose the most suitable sheet.

division sums Tuesday

For our topic work today, we are going to pretend we are Samuel Pepy’s servant.  You can re-watch the video if it helps.

Magic Grandad

We are going to write a diary extract explaining what is going on and what we are doing. You could explain what you can see hear, smell. touch.  Write about what is happening around you and what you are being asked to do.  You can share your feelings about all the things you are seeing.

I hope you have a lovely day. We are all looking forward to seeing you very soon.

Mrs Pope x