Tuesday 23rd June

Hi Everyone, I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday.


Please continue your White Rose work here


Today I’d like you to use your research from yesterday to write your report about your chosen sport.

Think back to our work a few weeks ago on the Greek Gods as your report will need the same text features:

  • a title;
  • an introduction;
  • subheadings;
  • paragraphs of clear information;
  • photographs or pictures with captions;
  • a fact box.

Today I’d like you to concentrate on your introduction and your first two paragraphs of information.

In your introduction please begin with a rhetorical question and then include some persuasion to encourage the reader to read your full report. For example:

Have you ever watched gymnastics on the TV and wished you could have a go?  Do you want to know more about some amazing gymnasts?  Read this wonderful report to find out all about gymnastics and how you can get involved.

Then do – history of gymnastics paragraph and a paragraph to explain what they do in that sport.

Afternoon Work – Please see the activities posted by Mrs Garcia and Mrs Rowe.

Please also have a look at our Blog page.  I’ve started a thread about my favourite sports and I’d love you to comment.  Mrs Andrew sent out the password last week (no capital letter)  and hopefully the website is working ok now.   Mr Langford had posted some tricks to try on the Notice Board page of the website if it’s still not displaying properly.