Tuesday 23rd February, 2021

Today it is English, Maths and History.


Yesterday, you listened to Joshua Seigal’s poem I Don’t Like Poetry. In the poem it mentions similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and alliteration.

Yesterday, we looked at similes and metaphors. Today, we are looking at onomatopoeia and alliteration.

Look at the PowerPoint and then complete the worksheet.

PP Onomatopoeia and Alliteration

Onomatopoeia and Alliteration


Today, we are looking at mental methods of subtraction. In the following calculations, subtract the 100s and then subtract the 10s.

Challenge 1

a. 643 – 120 =     b. 657 – 180 =     c. 682 – 230 =     d. 716 – 140 =                  e. 745 – 220 =     f. 757 – 270 =

Challenge 2

a. 1352 – 140 =     b. 1225 – 170 =     c. 1443 – 190 =     d. 1462 – 240 =          e. 1526 – 310 =

Some of you might want to choose your own strategy to work out these calculations.

Challenge 3

a. 1684 – 560 =     b. 1762 – 420 =     c. 1873 – 360 =     d. 1627 – 470 =


Today we are looking at what the Anglo-Saxons believed.

Read through the information in lesson 4 and then unscramble the sentences about the beliefs of the Anglo-Saxons. The sentences are on page 19 of the Anglo-Saxon booklet.