Tuesday 23rd

We will be carrying on with our time and poetry work today.

Every day every lesson is available through teams. You just need to go to Microsoft Teams and sign in and then go to calendar. It was very frustrating last half term when some of you said you didn’t understand work but wouldn’t come on to teams when I was explaining it. During the lessons Mrs Green and Miss Lewis are available for any children at home to ask any questions to.

The timetable for teams is:

8:45 Teams starts

9:00 Maths (Explanation to start with. Support available until 10:15)

11:00 English (Explanation to start with. Support available until 12:00)

12:00 Class novel being read

12:30 Lunch

1:30 PE (Support available for the maths and English from the morning sessions)

I hope we all have a good day.

Mr Morris