Tuesday 21st April

Today it is Maths, P.E, English and History.


First of all, produce a poster about what you know about the number 21. Remember Mrs Howland’s way of remembering one times table fact! Next, stand up and say your 6 times table and then your 7 times table.

After that, try lesson 2 on the white rose maths/ home learning website. I was really pleased to see so many of you doing so well with the decimal numbers. Thank you!


Try the P.E. session with Joe Wicks.


Lots of you are now ready to begin writing your own biography.

First of all, read the opening paragraph below about Roald Dahl.

Have you ever heard of Fantastic Mr Fox? Or read about the enormous crocodile? Do you know what was scary about The Magic Finger? If you say yes to these questions then you are probably a fan of Roald Dahl already. If you say no, don’t worry you are in for a real treat! Roald Dahl was one of the most successful writers for children who ever lived. This is his story.

Can you see this paragraph introduces Roald Dahl and explains why he is known? Use this style to write the opening paragraph for your biography.


Try to do one of the remaining lessons from the Anglo-Saxon booklet. If you like, you can make a PowerPoint of the information that is provided within the lesson.