Tuesday 21st April

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a good day getting back into the swing of learning yesterday. Here’s some of the things that you can get up to today.


Forest School:

Following on from our learning about Jack and the Beanstalk yesterday, I wondered if you could go into your garden and make a giant beanstalk. You could lay twigs and sticks on the ground for the stalk and then decorate with leaves and weeds (depending on what is available in your garden). As a challenge, I wonder if you can make your beanstalk as long as your garden? Afterwards you could count how many sticks and leaves you used. You could lie down next to the beanstalk and measure yourself against it – are you longer than the beanstalk, or is it longer than you?



Yesterday I asked you to find one more or one less of a number up to 20. I hope you got on alright with this – it can be a little bit tricky! To help you get better at this, I would like you to have a go at the online game below. It’s very similar to the Helicopter Rescue game you played before Easter. Please select the ‘one more or less to 20’ option on the game to begin with.



Letters and Sounds:

Please learn the ‘ear’ sound – I wonder if you can guess what the action is for this? That’s right, you need to point to your ear! This sound is a trigraph because it has 3 letters which make up one sound.

You might want to watch Mr Thorne and Geraldine to help you get to grips with this new sound.

Then could you write the following words with sound buttons?

Hear, fear, near, year, tear.


I hope you all have a lovely day, I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ve all been getting up to.

Miss Roberts x