Tuesday 2 June


Please continue with the White Rose lesson 2  White Rose Sheets

If you’re finding it tricky remember you can either just try the first sheet (challenge 1-2) or even look at the Year 2 work.  Similarly you may try the Year 4 work if you need a challenge.


Today I’d like you to start your report on the Ancient Greek Gods.  Today I’d like you to write a good introduction for your report and about one of the Gods.  We’ll do the other two tomorrow.

This should introduce what your report is about but not tell me about any Gods in particular.  It should just tell me what the Ancient Greeks believed, where the Gods and Goddesses lived and then encourage the reader to read your report. You may also choose to start your introduction with a rhetorical question to attract the attention of the reader.

When you have finished your introduction I’d like you to choose one of your Gods or Goddesses to write about in more detail from your notes yesterday.

Write the name of the God as a subheading then tell me:

What were they the God/Goddess of?  What was their special power, weapon or animal?  Any other interesting fact about them?

Please remember non-chronological reports are often set out differently to other texts.  You will need to have your title at the top, then your introduction, but then could can place your paragraphs where you like and include pictures and fact boxes.  You may want to write each paragraph of your report on different bits of paper and then stick it all on to a big sheet with pictures at the end, like we did for our Pompeii reports, or do it as on the Book creator or PicCollage.

Here are some examples of other reports so you can see how they are set out.


Please read your book today


ilearn2  Pupil code – 2221

For computing this half term I thought you may liken to try some digital art!

Have a look at Project 1

You’ll need to access this website or there is a free mobile app for tables


The first video does teach you how to create Christmas wrapping paper (!) but I’m sure you could change it to a summer paper or birthday wrapping paper, if you’ve got someone’s birthday coming up you could design it with them in mind.