Tuesday 19th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing alright, I know we’re probably all starting to feel a little bit more tired and naggy as we approach half term. Take it easy if you need to and remember you can just pick and choose activities off the website as they suit you. Today we will be doing Forest School, Literacy and Letters and Sounds.


Forest School:

I know lots of you have really been enjoying your daily walks and just being able to get out of the house as much as you can. I thought when you go on your walk one day this week, you might want to have a little look at the trees around you. I have got a Leaf ID sheet below so that you can see how many different trees you can spot on your walks. You will need to look at the leaves on the trees to help you identify what each one is. The Woodland Trust website also has lots of other good outdoor activities if you wanted to have a little look.

Leaf ID Sheet



Continuing with our Gingerbread Man work, I have got some writing for you to do today. The good news is, the sentences have already been started for you, so you will just need to think about what to write at the end of each. Remember – do whatever is going to work best for you and share as much of the writing with a grown up as you need to.

The Gingerbread Man Writing Prompt


Letters and Sounds:

Today I would like you to have a go on the Rocket Rescue game on Phonics Play. You will need to listen to the word and type it into the box to collect all the pieces of the rocket. We have done this in school and we were getting really good at our typing skills! Ideally I would like you to have a go at the Phase 3 option, but it is up to you! It might be handy to have your sound mat next to you to help you too.



Have a fab day everyone!

Miss Roberts x