Tuesday 19th May

Good Morning everyone,

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.   I am really excited about today, see if you can guess why as you read this post. I hope you will be too!

Morning Maths:

Have a go at this PowerPoint to get your brains nicely warmed up and ready to go.

Tuesday Morning Maths


Today, you guessed it, we are on Week 5, Lesson 2.  Here is the video.


Here are the activities.  I hope drawing and counting arrays comes back to you, we looked at this back in January!!


For anybody using either Year 1 or Year 3 White Rose Maths, please check Mr Morris’s post on Monday.  It has all the links you’ll need.  Let me know if there are any problems.


Today, I would like you to make a smoothie, if you can.

You will need:

1 adult.

A blender or something similar.

Any types of fruit you may have in fruit bowl or fridge.  Please don’t make a special journey to the shops to get fruit.

If you don’t have any fruit in, follow a recipe that you do have ingredients for.

Looking at my fruit bowl today, it is a little sparse but we could just about manage a yoghurt, mango and pear smoothie. So make it up as you go along.

Frozen fruits and fruit juices are great to add too!

Follow the recipe from yesterday but add in your own fruit choices.

Recipe Sheet

Make sure your adult is there to help you and know exactly what you are doing.

There is no writing today, but you will have to remember the ingredients you used and process you went through for tomorrow.  You may wish to take notes or a few pictures to remind yourself.

Send me pictures of your creations…and remember, you need to do the washing up too!


Please practise your spellings.  If you have time, you could always create your own word search.  Just use the link below. You could even create your own spelling calligram using last weeks program if you wish.



Cuddle up somewhere lovely and read a little of your reading book.

Then have a little relax and listen to this story.


Tuesday afternoon is PE and PSHE.


I’d like you to have a look at the presentation.  It is all about making good choices.

Its Your Choice Lesson Presentation

Now I’d like you to have a look at these statements and sort them into good choices and bad choices.

Choices Statements

PE: If you have already done the Joe Wicks workout this morning, this is a little more relaxing.  If you have a better idea for how you would like to exercise, please use that.

Have a fantastic day everybody. Let me know how you get on.

Mrs Pope x