Tuesday 19th

The maths for today has been posted separately.

I have asked lots of you how you are getting on with the video / radio broadcast and those that have answered have said you are working well on it and need more time. Please keep updating me on how you are getting on. For those of you that are happy carrying on then please do so.

If you are having difficulties with this for any reason then I would like you to spend the next three days (when the others are finishing this unit off) to plan and then produce a story (you can include illustrations).

I need to have more longer pieces of writing from you all before the end of the year so for some of you this is the ideal opportunity.

As I want it to be as good as possible I will let you choose what it is about. Some of these ideas in Story-openers-powerpoint might help.

At 12:00 I will read the class book. In the afternoon we have PE so those at home may want to try Joe Wicks out.