Tuesday 19 July – Room 6 home learning

Tuesday 20th July 2021

Hope you are all well and looking forward to the summer holiday ahead. Just one last push and you’ve made it to the end of the school year.



Co-ordinates worksheet Maths



Following on from our co-ordinates work last week, I would like you to use that knowledge to complete this activity.

Plot the coordinates on the grid and then connect the lines. This will then create a picture.



Message in a bottle worksheet English – secret message

Pen or pencil


Use the grid to break to codes to reveal the words. Once you have completed the words, you can write a paragraph that contains the each secret words. How creative can you be?



Self-portrait outline Art – self portrait



Using the sheet, or creating one of your own, draw a self-portrait.  However, this is a self-portrait with a difference. On one side, you draw your ‘outer self’, what your face looks (you could use a mirror to help). On the other side, you your ‘inner self’. This can pictures of your feelings, likes, hobbies etc. Have a look at the example to help give you some ideas.

Have a fantastic last day and I wish all the very best for the summer holidays. Have a well-earned break, enjoy yourselves and stay safe.