Tuesday 16th June KS2

Hi, everyone. Today is our second day of diversity week and today we are looking at what we mean by ‘stereotypes’.

Start by watching this ‘short’ from Disney Pixar: Snack Attack.

What did you think as you were watching the clip? Were you surprised by the ending? The message behind this clip is that we should never make assumptions about people, certainly when we do not know all the facts!

Have a look through this activity sheet with an adult and have a chat about who the owner could be of each of the different bags. Have a chat about why you think this. There are no right or wrong answers to this activity; the purpose is to discuss initial assumptions about what ‘type’ of person we think owns what! For all we know, bag number 6 could belong to Mr Jones and bag 2 could belong to Gwyneth but how many of you automatically assumed that Mr Jones’ bag is number 5 and what was the thinking behind making this choice?! Challenging steretypes_ whose bag is it_


Read through the PowerPoint about stereotypes and work through each of the activities: challenging stereotypes

Have a read of the poem below. Who could be ‘saying’ this poem? Read it carefully and then draw a picture of the person it could be describing!

What Makes Me?

If you found it difficult to decide what to draw, then that’s good as the poem is unclear who it is about!

Next, have a think about yourself and how people expect you to be because you are a boy or a girl, or because you are young. What other expectations do you think people have of you? Do they expect you to be a certain way because others in your family have particular skills or jobs? Do people expect you to be a certain way because you are a quiet person? Do people think you are very confident because you are quite a chatty person? Are they right in thinking this way? When do people get it wrong about you?!

Have a go at filling in the gaps to form a poem challenging the assumptions people make about you. Years 3 and 4 may just like to do a couple of the verses as this is quite a tricky task!

Just Because


Yesterday, you did some measuring and organised your data using a tally chart. Today, have a go at using your tally chart to make a chart representing this information.

Years 3 and 4 may wish to do this in the form of a bar chart. Have a watch of this video to remind yourself of what bar charts need and how to read them: bar charts

You could make your chart using Junior Infant Tools. This website is totally free, there is no signing up to be done and it is very easy to use. Follow this link: https://www.j2e.com/jit5#chart Once you are in the program, choose the type of chart you would like by clicking next to it so a ‘tick’ appears. Use your tally chart to enter your data, remembering to change the labels or axes so it is clear what your chart is showing. When you click on any text, you can automatically type over it. 

Don’t forget to give your chart a suitable title.

Year 5 and 6 children, can you work out the mean, the median, mode and the range from your original data set (when you wrote down people’s names and their measurements)? Watch this short video to recap what these terms mean and how to go about finding them! There are some activities to do on this page too: averages

If you would prefer to use paper for your chart, then of course that’s fine too! You may find these helpful if you are making a bar chart: block/bar chart template

Creative task

This afternoon, try to challenge yourself to do something new that you have never tried before. If you are a boy, have fun trying an activity which you may have thought is just for girls! If you are a girl, try something which you may think is really just for boys. Have a look at this list of suggested activities. Which of these things have you never done and why not? Now’s your chance to do something which may be slightly out of your usual comfort zone!




building a car or lorry with Lego

playing football

making jewellery – you could use beads, pasta, paper and string

wearing pink

reading one of your brother’s books if you are a girl

reading one of your sister’s books if you are a boy

playing chess

You could also have a go at learning some new phrases in a brand new language and then show off your new talent to a family member! How did it make you feel doing this for the first time? Maybe you could decide that from now on, you will try at least one new thing every week!

Enjoy your day, everyone! x