Tuesday 15th March

Hello to all those at home, I hope you are well.  Today has been a busy day. we have been looking at our tadpoles and writing about what they look like.

We have talked about the words nocturnal and diurnal and what they mean.  If you aren’t feeling too poorly, you could have a look at this sorting activity. Just let me know if you want it printing out and leaving in reception to collect.


In Letters and Sounds we have been looking at the oo digraph.  Sometimes it makes a long oo sound like moon and sometimes it makes a short oo sound like in book.

Can you have a look in some of your books at home and see if you can find any ‘oo’ digraphs.  Are they long or short sounds?

We played a word matching game. Cut the cards out, turn them face down and see if you can match the cards by remembering where they are.

word match 1

This afternoon is PE so make sure you get outside in the sunshine if you are able.  We are also having some ‘Child Initiated Time’ so make a plan for something you would like to do, perhaps make a den or draw a picture, then have a go.

We have been sharing lots of stories about animals, You might like to watch this one.

Have a lovely day, let me know if you need anything.

Mrs Pope x