Tuesday 12th May

Good Morning everyone,

The weather is certainly a little cooler than last week, lets see if we can’t warm ourselves up with a little Morning Maths!  Can you find the missing numbers in these times tables?

Tuesday Morning Maths


Again, we are continuing with the White Rose maths today.  We are now working on Year 2, week 4, lesson 2.  Here is the website link.


Here is the link to the activities for this lesson.


Please can you practise your spellings for your test on Friday.  Perhaps today you’d like to practise them in your Handwriting Books?


The calligrams you drew yesterday were amazing!  Today I’d like you to have a look at the sheet below.  Get as creative as you like.  Can you turn these words into calligrams?

Calligrams Tuesday

Please can you read a little more of your reading book.

I know lots of you enjoyed the story of Windy Mindy by David Walliams  last week so here is another…a personal favourite of 2 Grubby Gertrudes in my house!!

Tuesday afternoon would be PE and PSHE in school.


Today I’d like you to pop your coat on and go for a walk, a bike ride or even set up an obstacle course in your garden – as long as you help tidy it up afterwards.


Today, I’d like you to look on the bright side of life.  Have a look at this PowerPoint.

Think Happy Lesson PowerPoint

Now write down a few of your positive thoughts and display them somewhere in your home.  This way, you’ll help keep everybody in you home feeling positive too.

Cloud Sheet

Have a lovely Tuesday, keep me posted on how you are getting on or if there is anything you need.

Mrs Pope x