Tuesday 12th January

Good morning everybody,

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. Did you manage to follow a recipe?  Our classroom was a little  bit floury after we had finished making flatbreads in school! In fact, some of us went home a little floury too.

Let’s start the day with a little maths warm up.  Have fun, do some dancing and wiggling and get your brains working.

Super Movers counting

Today in maths we are looking at taking away or subtracting 1 digit numbers from 2 digit numbers.   Have a look at the PowerPoint. Hopefully the sound will work, if not I have typed up the questions too

100 square

Tuesday PowerPoint

Tuesday maths


In English today we are going to write instructions for making flat breads, or whatever lovely, delicious delights you made at home. Have a look at the PowerPoint and then include all the features in your own set of instructions for how to make your recipe.

Tuesday PowerPoint

Here is a sheet to help you lay your work out, if you need it.

Instructions grid

Please can you practise your spellings.  When you have done this, have a go on phonics play.


Here are the log in details.

Please can you play these games first.

Have a quick run through of ‘Flash Cards’ this will keep all of the sounds we have learned fresh in your minds.  Once you have had one go, see if you can beat your score.

Choose either phase 4 or 5 to suit you.

Then you can play a quick game of ‘Buried Treasure’ to practise your blending skills.

Again, choose phase 4 or 5, whichever is best for you.

Here is today’s story. Sit yourself somewhere comfy, snuggle up and have a relax and a listen.

Have a few minutes relaxing and reading a book.

This afternoon we have art and PSHE.

So for your art today, just using a pencil and paper, I’d like you to go and find something in your house or garden that has texture. Something like a tree or clean shoe.  Put the paper over it and lightly rub the pencil over the paper so you can see the texture on the paper.  You could do this for more than one object if you wish.

Have a look at what happens if you press the pencil lightly or heavily and how does it change the picture.  Creating texture is one of the hardest things an artist can do.

For your art work, I’d like you to take a close look at these pictures.

Tuesday Art

Choose one to copy.  Can you create texture in your art work by pressing the pencil down hard or soft, using lines, marks and dots. Draw a small sketch showing what you can do.


Last week we thought about kindness, this week I’d like us to think about challenges.  Have a chat with someone at home about what you are good at.  What you would like to get better at and what challenges you could set yourself.

You, and your family if they wish, could set yourself a challenge or two. It could be a physical one, like throwing and catching a ball 100 times every day or it could be a different type of challenge,  perhaps keeping your bedroom tidy for a week or learning to tie your shoe laces.

Let me know how you get on.

Have a lovely day,

Love from Mrs Pope x