Tuesday 12th January

On the following posts are information about our maths and English lessons for today. There is also a post saying about science and history for the week.

You will see that I am putting more worksheets and instructions onto classroom than this website as you can fit more onto classroom and organise it easier. It does mean I can put some things on in advance – hopefully this helps if anyone needs to change the week around.

Tuesday is our PE day. Those that are in school need their PE kit. Those at home can use this opportunity to ask me to go over any bits of work or complete some of their own PE activities.

If anyone wants to see the maths or English ‘live’ please join those in school by going to teams as soon as you like in the morning. You might want to refer to the timetable to see when things are happening.

Remember the class book will be read at 12:00.

You can also now look at the TV and watch some lessons that the BBC are now doing. If you do this let me know how you get on.
