Tuesday 12th January

Hello everyone, here is our home learning for today.


Morning activity

This morning I would like you to make a repeating pattern. A repeating pattern is one which repeats itself with two or more colours / items (e.g. red, blue, red, blue etc.  OR button, Lego, doll, button, Lego, doll etc.)

Can you use something in your house to make a repeating pattern? Or, if you would prefer – there is an online activity below.



Letters and Sounds

Go through the PowerPoint below to learn our new sound ‘v’ and then watch the Mr Thorne video. I know the audio wasn’t brilliant on the PowerPoint yesterday – it sounds a lot clearer today so fingers crossed!

Tuesday 12th January



Today we are going to learn about taking away from 10. So first, find 10 objects that you can use for your maths today and count them out to double check you have 10.

Then can you take 4 objects away. Count how many you have left and that’s the answer!

Put all 10 objects back and then repeat taking away the following numbers:

9, 2, 7, 5, 1, 8, 3, 6, 10

Remember to do lots of counting to check your answers.


Afternoon activity / Story

Today I would like you to start off by watching the story of Noah’s Ark below. This is a story from the Bible, can you remember another story from the Bible that we have learnt about? (The story of the first Christmas and how Jesus was born.)

We are going to do a little bit of work on Noah’s Ark this week and today we are going to think about the Ark – what form of transport is this? It’s a boat! How do boats stay on the water? They float.

I would like you to do a little bit of an experiment this afternoon and see what items float and what sinks. Have a look around your house for some different items that you would like to test – remember that you mustn’t put anything electronic into water! Ask your grown up what they don’t mind getting wet.

Before you start, think about whether each item will float or sink and then test it in some water. This is called a prediction! Were you right?


Have a lovely day!

Miss Roberts x