
Please remember that on Tuesday it is our PE day. It is supposed to be a nice day so the children need to have their water bottle in school so they can frequently rehydrate whilst taking part in the activities.

If your child is at home but is able to complete some school work I posted the maths activities for the week yesterday.

For English we are looking at story starts.

Instructions T2-E-359-Story-Starters-Powerpoint-Task-Setter t2-e-1757-story-openers-powerpoint_ver_1 t2-e-41198-ks2-creative-writing-story-starters-sciencefiction-powerpoint-english_ver_2 t2-t-405-the-magic-escalator-activity-sheet_ver_2 t2-t-599-pirate-story-starter-activity-sheet_ver_2 Writing Stimulus Wheels

We will be using the above resources and writing our own story start.

Places are available for the after school chrome book club. Just let me know if you want your child to attend. It finished at 4:15pm

I hope everyone has a good day.
