Transition Week Takeover!

Monday 29th June

Hello Room 3 it’s Mrs Hilditch here, I will be your class teacher next year, along with Mrs Davies when she returns from her maternity leave.   This week it is our ‘Transition Week Takeover’ this means that myself and Mrs Davies will be posting the work for you this week so that we can all get to know each other a little better, ready for September.  Our classroom will be Room 2 so you don’t have too far to move!

Please send any work and photos to my email address at

We can’t wait to see your amazing work and hopefully use some to make displays in our classroom for September.


Today we’d like to find out all about you! What are your favourite subjects in school? What are you amazing at?  What special talents do you have?  What do you enjoy doing outside of school?

You will see below a poster about myself, one from Mrs Davies and one from Miss Gwilliam our lovely teaching assistant, so you can get to know us a little better and to give you some ideas for what you could do.

Please click on the link to view poster from Mrs Davies more clearly all about me


You could do a Pic Collage like me and email it or draw a poster on paper and then photograph it to send to us, or you may do a PowerPoint.  Please include lots of details and photographs if possible.


Please continue with your White Rose maths work as normal but you can send your completed work to my email address so we can see what amazing mathematicians you are!


Monday Worksheet

If you usually access a different year group’s work those materials can be found here

Afternoon Work

Today we’d love you to do a self portrait.  You can do this in whichever way you like.

You may watch this video from the Draw with Rob Biddulph page and then adapt it to make it look just like you.

Self Portrait


Or you may do a painting or collage – depending on what materials you have at home.  We can’t wait to see your creations!

We hope you have a wonderful week and we are really looking forward to finding out all about you and the wonderful work you can do.

Have a lovely day today,

Mrs Hilditch and Mrs Davies x