Timings and general comments

I know some people would like to know how long they should be taking on activities and what happens if they finish. Generally in school the maths and English lessons last about an hour. This is made up of me handing out books, children writing the date and learning objective and then a wait for everyone to be listening. There will be an introduction with people being able to say some of their ideas. The actual ‘work’ or getting work done is probably only about 20-30 minutes. The children might get stopped so that I can go over some misconceptions. I would then end making sure everyone knew what to do.

You can see from this that the actual ‘work’ part might not be as long as you expect if a child is working on a 1:1 basis with a parent at home. Please don’t worry if it seems work is finished – that is ok. It gives perfect opportunities for the children to read, practise spellings or timetables, go for a walk, play a musical instrument etc.

A typical day as we move forward is going to look like this for the children at home and those in school:

9:00: Morning maths

9:15 Going over the answers for morning maths on teams

9:20 Main maths introduction (available to view on teams) followed by completing sheets

10:15 Maths ends

10:30 Break

11:00 Main English introduction (available to view on teams) followed by completing the work

12:00 Class novel being read (avalable to view on teams)

12:30 Lunch

1:35 Main afternoon introduction (available to view on teams) followed by completing the work.

You will see that those children at home have the opportunity to be part of the class in school at  ANYTIME. They can join the lesson and leave at anytime. None of the work is dependent  on the children joining teams so do not worry if for technical reasons you can not do this.

There will times when the technology does not work my end so please keep looking at google classroom for any updates on the day. It would be nice if everyday the children could just say hello on google classroom as it is lovely to hear they are ok.

Wow – another long post. Sorry.

Stay safe

Mr Morris