Thursday’s work.

What an absolutely beautiful day Wednesday has been. Thursday is supposed to be much the same so please enjoy the weather. If this means that you do not complete any maths and English and are in your garden all day I won’t mind at all (in fact I will be a little bit jealous). The PE/sporting activities will be posted later. I hope you enjoyed the ping pong challenge – the children in school certainly did.

For maths we will continue with white rose and bitesize. Some of you prefer the one more than the other. It does cover exactly the same topics.

Year 5 work is looking at dividing decimals and Year 6 at volumes of cuboids. Have a look at both then decide what to try.

Year 5: white rose video    activity      answers    bitesize

Year 6: white rose video    activity     answers    bitesize

It was lovely reading your short stories for English. Some made me really chuckle. This week we have looked at comics and playscripts. William Shakespeare is a very famous person who used to write plays. On bitesize you can find out more about him. The Year 5 link discusses his play Twelth Night and the Year 6 link Romeo and Juliet. you could have a look at either. There are a varirty of activities to try (you certainly don’t have to do all) including a reading comprehension. If you want to do something different you could write your own playscript about something that interests you.

For history the children are working on aspects of the Victorian age as we will be studying the Industrial Revolution in Year 6 and so gaining some background knowledge will benefit them. We have looked at schools, work for children and toys. At the moment I don’t think many of the children would have liked to have lived then. Today we are going to be looking at workhouses. These were places that the poor would be sent to (not a nice place). I would like the children to look at the Workhouses powerpoint. At the end of a lot of the slides there are questions to answer. it would be good if the children did this. The answers do not have to be very long. It is mor e important for the children to think about the answers to increase their understanding.

A quick reminder that next week the children have the opportunity to talk to me and other children via video. More details are on classroom. If the children have any ideas of activities they would like to do next week during transition week they can let me know. Obviously this is a bit different for this groups as they have me again.

Have a lovely day enjoying the weather. Mr.Morris