Thursday’s English

Look at the words refer, transfer and prefer. Which syllable in each word is stressed?  When suffixes are added to these, if the stress is still on the 2nd syllable, the ‘r’ is doubled. I want you to practise these words on a spellings to learn sheet.  

Spellings to Learn

If we were in school and I wrote Titanic on the board what do you know about this ship? Write down any facts you know about it. We shall be reading a poem about the Titanic next week. It is probably the world’s most famous ship wreck. We shall use shipwrecks as the stimulus for more descriptive writing. Think about what you learned yesterday about using elaborated language. How will you want to convey feelings through evocative words? 

We will look at pictures of shipwrecks. Choose one picture and write a short descriptive paragraph about it.  Your description should evoke the feelings that you have on looking at and studying your chosen picture.  

Pictures of ship wrecks