Thursday morning 30.4.20

Hi everyone,

Here are the activities for Thursday morning:

8.45 – 9.00: Practise spellings

9.00 – 9.05: Wake Up, Shake Up

9.05 – 10.00: Maths

Today we are learning to understand that 1 litre is a standard unit of measure, and starting to comprehend how much 1 litre actually is. Can you find containers around your house that contain/ed 1 litre (milk may be a good place to start??)? This may be tricky. If it is, have a look at how much 1 litre is by filling a measuring jug and then emptying the water into a large mixing bowl or bucket. Once you are more familiar with how much 1 litre is, have a go at the sheet. The jug on the sheet is a 1 litre jug, by the way! You could test out the real capacities of the containers that you choose for the sheet, but children have not yet learnt millilitres; this could be something you look at together in more detail if you want to extend their learning. BusyAnt_y1_u8_w3_HG_4

10.00 – 10.15: Break

10.15 -11.00: English

Using one or more of the poems we have looked at already (Ning, Nang, Nong, Bumbley Boo, An Alphabet) or any that you have found, have a discussion about what a verse is and how many verses the poems you have looked at have. Look at how each verse is separated by a blank line.

Today I would like you to add your own verse to ‘The Land of the Bumbley Boo’, writing the whole verse yourself. What else could happen in the Bumbley Boo? What brand new ideas could you use? Remember the rhyming pattern in each verse that we looked at yesterday, and try hard to keep to this. You may like to add fun pictures to your verse too. Keep to the style of the original poem, and use repetition where you need to.

11.00 – 11.15: Phonics

Have a go at the SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) mats. There are two attached. You will see in each file, there are three different sheets/mats. I would urge most children to try the hardest of the mats if you have close adult support – this is the one on page 5 of the document. Do NOT print all six pages out!! Mat 2 (1) Mat 1 (1)

11.15 – 11.30: Break

11.30 – 11.40: Mindfulness

11.40 – 12.25: PE

Here is a dance session for you from the fabulous BBC Sounds website, based around the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’:

And here is a Boogie Beebies session for you all about the weather:

Have fun!

Mrs Garcia x