Thursday Maths 4.3.21 Home Learning


We are looking at ordering fractions using a numberline today. It’s really important to look at the number lines carefully before you try and write the answers down. What is the end number? What fractions have you been given to help find the answer? Remember that 1 means 1 whole and that there are a lot of ‘mini’ numbers which come before the number 1. Rememebr that when the numerator and denominator are the same, that means 1 e.g 3/3, 4/4, 8/8.

Please follow the PP below to give you a little understanding to today’s lesson.

Lesson 4 fractions on a numberline

Spellings- Please practise this weeks spellings and see if you can try and use them in sentences.

English- Please see Mrs Hilditch’s post.

Guided Reading- I know we have quite a few animal lovers in our class so I thought this reading comprehension would be appropriate. It’s based on a vet called Noel Fitzpatrick who has done some incredible life saving operations on animals. Please pick an appropriate level. Noel Fitzpatrick Differentiated


LO: To identify the five vertebrate groups.

PP-  Vertebrates FARM B

Today we are looking animals which have a backbone (known as Vertebrates.) We have got a couple of animal skeletons on the PP where the kids need to find the back bone and then by looking at the skeleton, can they guess what the animal was?

A very simple way to remember all the animals which have a backbone (because there are some that don’t!) is the acronymn FARM B– Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals and Fish. I would like the children to create a poster about these 5 groups and what are the other features these animals have e.g. lays eggs or have live babies etc? Please look at the PP to help you. You can create it however you want but it would be lovely to have some so I can stick them on the Science wall when we all get back together again.